Walter Hermann - Psychotherapy for children, adolescents & adults

"To see clearly, it is often enough to change your line of vision"

- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Finding ways to grow and heal together.

About me

My professional roots lie in social work and family therapy according to Virginia Satir. My numerous trips and humanitarian missions in crisis areas have also left their mark on me.

Walter Hermann

Psychotherapy, coaching & constellation work

Psychotherapy and coaching

I specialize in psychotherapy for children and adolescents, family therapy, couples therapy, parent coaching and trauma therapy. Dream work is also repeatedly used in the therapeutic process.

Constellation work

In constellation work, obstructive patterns from the past are made conscious and brought to a healing solution.

Guided meditations with Walter Hermann

Walter Hermann

My professional roots lie in social work and family therapy according to Virginia Satir. My numerous trips and humanitarian missions in crisis areas have also left their mark on me.

My partners