Constellations are a special means of making our inner and outer realities visible. The benefit of a constellation lies in discovering relevant information within a short period of time. These are new to the system in that they were not previously recognized and therefore remained unused.
Through constellation work we can acquire new perspectives, experiences and alternative courses of action in an impressive and personal way. Possible solutions are developed together with a group in constellation seminars.
Unless otherwise announced, the constellations will take place in my practice: Praterstrasse 30/1/7, 1020 Vienna
- Representatives: free of charge
- Clients in ongoing therapy with concerns: € 300
- Other interested parties with concerns: € 350,-
The price also includes the preliminary discussion the day before, the setup in the group and also the refreshment on the day of the setup with snacks and drinks
Dates 2025
- In constellation work, we assume that there is a correspondence between living systems (individuals, families, organizations) and the symbolic arrangement of their elements in the constellation. Using hypnosystemic techniques, obstructive patterns can therefore be made visible and brought to a "solution for the better" in a respectful and sustainable way.
- In a constellation group, someone has a "concern" (problem) that is discussed with the "host" (therapist) in advance or as part of the group. According to the goal of the constellation, the person with the concern selects representatives and "sets them up" in the room. In the process that follows, the representatives are questioned and repeatedly "rearranged". Ritual phrases are used to work respectfully towards a solution until a change for the better is perceptible.
- Unconscious patterns from your personal past are made conscious and finally brought to a healing solution - you find the freedom to be "yourself" again.
- You look at what you have taken over from the past of your family system and transform it into newly gained strengths in a loving process.
- They learn to let go of old disabilities and traumas and find a personal new beginning.
- They find ways to transform the old baggage of a couple's relationship into rediscovered love and a deepened respect for each other.
- They take a look "into the future" and can thus review possible courses of action in order to take the right path.
- They find ways to dissolve old stories and rigid patterns and lead a harmonious family life.
- You enable your children to develop their full potential by resolving conflicts and transforming outdated beliefs.
- Profession and vocation are essential aspects of human life. You will find suitable answers to the question: Where should the journey take us?
In my therapeutic practice I use the entire spectrum of constellation work:
In individual work, we use the system board to find suitable solutions in a hypnosystemic way. The individual positions are labeled by figures, "visited" by you as the client and brought to change in an appropriate way.
In the individual session, there is also the option of constellation miniatures, in which I guide you to adopt the different positions. This activates the full spectrum of different perspectives for finding solutions.
The structural work in the constellation group is characterized by the fact that the different positions are taken by other people (representatives). They report impartially and accurately on their feelings from the different perspectives. In a further step, a solution is found through rearrangement and ritual sentences that is coherent for all participants.
The origins of constellation work (family constellations) can be found in the work of Virginia Satir (1916-1988) and Jakob Moreno (1889-1974). They discovered that the spatial arrangement of people has an influence on their state of mind. This was used, among other things, to find solutions to complex problems.
Later, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy according to Milton H. Erickson (1901-1980) found their way into the methodological treasure chest of constellation work. Bert Hellinger also made a significant contribution to the further development of the method, but ultimately came under criticism due to his authoritarian and conservative views.
As one of the most recent developments, the attitude and methods of solution-focused short-term therapy (SFBT, Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg) have been integrated into constellation work - a fact that finds expression in systemic structural constellations(Matthias Varga von Kibed, Insa Sparrer).
Family constellation
In family constellations and related formats, we work on finding solutions to central questions of life in the respective systems of origin. We give back what we no longer need, seek support from those who have gone before us and clear up obstructive entanglements. In this way, we can face our individual future strengthened, detached and free.
Team and organizational constellation
In these constellation formats, we look for the strengths of the system and make them more accessible, we find synergies and resolve conflicts. In this way, we increase efficiency and satisfaction among employees and avoid unnecessary losses of energy and skills.
Special perspectives:
- Sustainable conflict resolution for teams and departments
- Supporting start-ups and finding successful paths
- Clarifying succession and handover of businesses
- Answering questions about your personal professional future
- Examine alternative options and decide appropriately
- Supporting mergers and restructurings in order to shape developments positively
- Development of visions and future prospects
Fairy tale and myth constellation
By using fairy tales and myths as models, we draw on unconscious energies and the stream of consciousness of our culture, our ancestors. By representing different roles, we discover previously hidden aspects of our being and can thus integrate the previously unknown. This allows us to tap into more vitality and joie de vivre.
Script composition
Here we use the principle of family constellations to create fictional stories in the form of novels or screenplays, combining dramaturgical work with a systemic perspective. In this way, character constellations, conflicts and emotions, but also the perspectives of the audience or sponsors are made visible. This allows conclusions to be drawn about possible corrections and new approaches for further work.
This offer is aimed at dramaturgs, producers and authors as well as anyone interested who simply wants to "get a taste" of what it's like.
Scriptwriting takes place in collaboration with Corinna Antelmann, who contributes her expertise as a dramaturge as co-director.
My mission
I am Hermann Walter, born in Vorarlberg in 1963, and my mission is to accompany people on their way to a fulfilled life. As a qualified social worker and family therapist according to Virginia Satir, I firmly believe that change is always possible and that the desire for change is the first and most important step.
I have been working as a psychotherapist since 1993 and opened my practice in Vorarlberg after traveling extensively in Asia and Australia. My international work with "Doctors without Borders" and CARE in crisis areas has shown me how important cultural sensitivity and human connection are.
Working with children and families is particularly close to my heart. I realized this during my time at the "Möwe" child protection center in Mistelbach from 2006 to 2010. I have been running a practice in Vienna since 2012, where I provide therapeutic support for children, adolescents and adults.
My mission is also influenced by Tibetan Buddhism and Tango Argentino. Both teach me mindful communication and consciously staying in the moment - qualities that I pass on in my therapeutic work.
My aim is to help people discover and utilize their inner resources in order to lead a fulfilled and happy life.

Children must be very lenient with adults.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry