Psychotherapy and coaching for adults
Psychotherapy with adults
In a psychotherapeutic consultation, we first comprehensively explore the individual situation and use the insights gained to jointly develop effective strategies for solution-oriented coping with suffering and pain. My main focus here is on personal strengths and abilities as well as the unique "being integrated" in family and personal relationships in order to transform a crisis into an opportunity for individual growth.
Parent coaching
Who helps parents when they don't know what to do? In detailed discussions, we work together to find solutions to previously unsolvable problems.
Grief and loss
For many people, the loss of loved ones and family members is a drastic experience that can throw life out of kilter. Working with grief and loss is about helping people to say goodbye, to integrate the experience they have suffered and to be able to actively and positively shape their lives again.
A system is a whole.
Each part is connected to each other in this way,
that every change brings about a change in the whole…
Virginia Satir
Near-death experience (NDE)
Thanks to advances in medicine, there are always people who experience being clinically dead and are brought back to life. This is often an extremely drastic and usually life-changing experience. It is often not possible for these people to talk about it with loved ones. The aim here is to provide assistance with the integration and processing of this extraordinary experience.
Constellation work / family constellation
We all have a father and a mother. Regardless of whether family members are still alive or not, whether we know them or not, the family is always there, we are always in the family. With constellations, we make it clear and spatially tangible in which entanglements and dependencies we find ourselves in order to dissolve them in a mindful, creative and constructive way. The aim of a constellation is to reawaken the deep feelings of togetherness and love in order to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life.
Trauma therapy / trauma treatment
"Brainspotting " is a special technique that uses eye movements to help resolve trauma. It is used in particular to alleviate and heal after rape, accidents, assaults and other stressful experiences.
Dream work
Learning various oneironautic techniques enables better access to the dreams of the night. Improved dream recall, the personal experience of lucidity and helpful interpretations of these nocturnal journeys open up individual paths to healing and inner clarity.
Telephone appointment:
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Phone: 0664 / 862 75 01
If you cannot reach me, please leave a message on the mailbox - I will call you back as soon as possible.
practice [at] psychotherapistvienna [dot] com
Praterstrasse 30/ Staircase 1/ Door 7, 1020 Vienna
Directly next to the U1/Tempelgasse exit
Press 7 at the entrance at staircase 1 and then press the RINGING BUTTON