Questions and answers

Questions about psychotherapy

The duration of psychotherapy varies and depends on how extensive the reorientation is and what is to be achieved. Experience has shown that we are often satisfied with around 25 hours, but it can also be considerably longer. Ultimately, it is up to the client to decide when we come to a conclusion.

Weekly sessions are recommended at the beginning; later on, the sessions can take place at longer intervals by arrangement.

Questions about constellation work

On a constellation day, we set up a maximum of three to four concerns, as I want to take enough time for each concern. Together with the representatives, we are about 8 to 12 people who can still fit comfortably in my rooms.

Organizational issues

You can pay in cash and receive a receipt from me. However, it is easiest to transfer the hours in advance - possibly in blocks. Any unused hours will of course be refunded.

Finding ways to grow and heal together.

About me

My professional roots lie in social work and family therapy according to Virginia Satir. My numerous trips and humanitarian missions in crisis areas have also left their mark on me.

Walter Hermann